Hanging up on Callbacks: Generators in ECMAScript 6

December 1, 2013

I hear people whine about asynchronous callbacks in JavaScript constantly. I admit that wrapping your head around control flow in the World of JavaScript (also known as "Callback Hell" or the "The Pyramid of Doom" by aforementioned whiners) can be a bit of a mind-explosion if you're used to a top-down, synchronous programming style. "Just deal with it" has been my go-to response; after all, do we expect programming in all languages to look and feel the same? Of course not.

This all changed after a recent review of the the ECMAScript 6 Draft, which describes generators - a language feature that will greatly change the way we write both server and client-side JavaScript. With generators, we can transform nested callbacks into easy-to-read top down-style code without blocking our single event loop thread. An example (adapted from a blog post by Toby Ho), to illustrate my point:

    _get("/something.ajax?greeting", function(err, greeting) {
        if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; }
        _get("/else.ajax?who&greeting="+greeting, function(err, who) {
            if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; }
            console.log(greeting+" "+who);
}, 1000);

…could be written as:

sync(function* (resume) {
    try (e) {
        yield setTimeout(resume, 1000);
        var greeting = yield _get('/something.ajax?greeting', resume)
        var who = yield _get('/else.ajax?who&greeting=' + greeting, resume)
        console.log(greeting + ' ' + who)
    catch (e) {
        throw e;

Interesting stuff, right? Centralized exception handling and a easy-to-understand flow control. Note: If you just have to know how "sync" is implemented, scroll to the "Blocking Ajax" example below.

Uhhh, ECMAScript 6?

The examples in this document work in Chrome Canary version 33.0.1716.0. With the exception of the XHR examples, they should all work in Node.js with the "-harmony" flag. The generator implementation provided by JavaScript 1.7+ does not adhere to the ECMAScript 6 draft - so you'll have to make some changes in order to get my examples to work in Firefox. If you want to see these examples running in a browser (Canary), you can do so here.

ES6 Generators: Quick n' Drrty

In order to understand what's going on in the example above, we need to talk about what an ES6 Generator is and what it provides you.

According to the ECMAScript 6 Draft, generators are "First-class coroutines, represented as objects encapsulating suspended execution contexts." For those of you who prefer a little less specificity in their tea: Generators are functions that can suspend themselves (using the yield keyword) and be resumed (from the outside world) by calling their "next" method. From your perspective, the JavaScript engine is still doing only one thing at a time - but it's now able to suspend execution in the middle of a (generator) function body and context-switch to do something else. Generators aren't enabling parallelism and they don't have anything to do with threads.

A Modest Iterator

Whew. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's see some code. We'll build a simple iterator to demonstrate the suspend / resume semantics:

function* fibonacci() {
   var a = 0, b = 1, c = 0;

   while (true) {
      yield a;
      c = a;
      a = b;
      b = c + b;

function run() {
   var seq = fibonacci();
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 0
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 1
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 1
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 2
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 3
   console.log(seq.next().value); // 5


Here's what's happening:

  1. The caller, function "run," first initializes the fibonacci generator (denoted by the "function*" syntax). Unlike a normal function, this does not cause the code in its body to be run - it simply returns a new generator object.
  2. When "run" calls the generator's "next" method (a synchronous operation), the code is the generator's body run… up until the "yield" keyword.
  3. Evaluating the "yield" operator suspends the generator and yields the generator's result back to the caller. Operations following the yield have not yet been evaluated. The value (the operand, "a" of "yield") will be accessible to the caller through the "value" property of the generator result.
  4. When the caller is ready to resume the generator, the "next" method is called and processing the code in the generator's body continues
    immediately after where the prior "yield" left-off. You may be wondering if the generator function will ever return. The answer is "no," it will loop as many times as someone calls the "next" method.

Following the Flow: A Digression

As mentioned in the prior example, code in the generator function's body encountered after the yield operation won't be run until the generator is resumed. The generator can also be passed an argument, which will be substituted into the generator's function body where yield left off:

function* powGenerator() {
  var result = Math.pow(yield "a", yield "b");
  return result;

var g = powGenerator();
console.log(g.next().value);   // "a", from the first yield
console.log(g.next(10).value); // "b", from the second
console.log(g.next(2).value);  // 100, the result

The first time the generator's body is run, "a" is yielded back to the caller (and made available through the "value" property of the returned object). The caller then resumes the generator, passing 10. Using substitution to visualize what's happening:

function* powGenerator() {
  var result = Math.pow(----10----, yield "b");
  return result;

The generator then hits the second "yield" statement and is suspended. The value "b" is available on the returned object. Finally, the caller resumes the generator, passing 2. With substitution:

function* powGenerator() {
  var result = Math.pow(----10----, ----2----);
  return result;

The "pow" method is then called and the return value stored in the "result" variable which is then returned to the caller.

Fake Synchronicity: Blocking Ajax

Fibonacci sequence-emitting iterators and math functions with multiple entry points are interesting, sure - but I promised to show you a way to eliminate callback functions from your otherwise-callback-heavy JavaScript code. As it turns out, we can pick from what I've already showed you some patterns that will get us most of the way there.

Before we jump into the next example, note the "sync" function. This function calls the generator function with a resume function, and then calls "next" on it to get things started. Whenever the generator function needs an async call, it supplies resume as the callback and yields. When the async call executes resume, it calls "next" (with a value) on the generator, allowing it to continue execution with the result of the async call.

Okay, back to the codez:

// **************
// framework code

function sync(gen) {
  var iterable, resume;

  resume = function(err, retVal) {
    if (err) iterable.raise(err);
    iterable.next(retVal); // resume!  

  iterable = gen(resume);

function _get(url, callback) {
  var x = new XMLHttpRequest();

  x.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (x.readyState == 4) {
      callback(null, x.responseText);

  x.open("GET", url);

// ****************
// application code

sync(function* (resume) {
  var resp = yield _get("blix.txt", resume); // suspend!

log('bar'); // not part of our generator function's body

Can you guess what you're going to see in the console? If you said "foo," "bar", and "whatever was in blix.txt," felicidades, compa. You're right. By putting the code that we want to run in series inside a suspendable generator function, we can make it behave in a synchronous, top-to-bottom manner. We aren't blocking the event loop thread; we suspend the generator and resume the non-generator code at the point at which we called "next." The generator has been suspended but has not been garbage collected. The callback, called at some point in the future on a different tick of the event loop, resumes our generator, passing a value.

Centralized Exception Handling

Centralizing exception handling across various asynchronous callback functions is a pain. Take, for example, the following:

try {
  firstAsync(function(err, a) {
    if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; }
    secondAsync(function(err, b) {
      if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; }
      thirdAsync(function(err, c) {
        if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; }
        callback(a, b, c);
catch (e) {

The catch block will never be hit (unless for some reason the synchronous calls to "firstAsync" or "secondAsync" or "thirdAsync" cause an error to be thrown) due to the execution of the callback being a part of a completely different call stack, on a separate tick of the event loop. Exception handling must be done in the callback body itself. One could write higher-order functions to eliminate some of the error-throwing duplication and remove some of the nesting with a library like async, but if we follow the Node.js error as "first argument" convention, we can write a generalized handler that will propagate all errors back to the generator:

function sync(gen) {
   var iterable, resume;

   resume = function(err, retVal) {
      if (err) iterable.raise(err); // raise!

   iterable = gen(resume);

sync(function* (resume) {
   try {
      var x = firstAsync(resume);
      var y = secondAsync(resume);
      var z = thirdAsync(resume);
      // … do something with your data
   catch (e) {
      console.log(e); // will catch errors from any of the three calls

Now an error thrown inside any of these three calls will be caught by the single catch block. And - just like in the vanilla JavaScript example - an exception thrown from inside of any of the three calls will prevent the subsequent functions from being called. Very nice.

Concurrent Operations

Just because your generator code runs from top-to-bottom doesn't mean you can't handle multiple asynchronous operations concurrently. Libraries like genny and gen-run and co provide APIs do this, and basically reduce to yielding some enumeration of asynchronous operations to be completed before the generator is to be resumed. We can add basic support for concurrent operations to our sync method like so:

function sync(gen) {
  var iterable, resume, check, vals, ops;

  vals = [];
  ops  = 0;

  check = function() {
    if (vals.length == ops) {
      if (ops == 1) { 
      else {
        iterable.next(vals); // resume with an array

  resume = function(err, retVal) {
    var slot = ops;

    return function(err, retVal) {
      if (err) { 
      else {
        vals[slot] = retVal;

  iterable = gen(resume);

…which then requires us to invoke the resume function, passing its result as the callback to our asynchronous operation:

sync(function* (resume) {
  var oneAndTwo = yield [_get("test1.txt", resume()), _get("test2.txt", resume())]
  var three     = yield _get("test3.txt", resume())
  log(oneAndTwo[0] + " - " + oneAndTwo[1] + " " + three)


Asynchronous callbacks as a programming style has been the de-facto JavaScript pattern for a long while - but the with the introduction of generators in the browser (Firefox since JavaScript 1.7 and Chrome Canary as of a few months ago), it doesn't have to stay that way. Leveraging the new control flow constructs provided by generators can enable a very different coding style - one which I think will evolve to contend with the nested-callback style - as the ECMAScript 6 standard is implemented by the JavaScript engines of tomorrow.